Can you come up with the next great idea?

The internet, search engines, communities, social networks, games: Can you come up with THE next great idea or concept? The good news is that most people in technical industries have a great deal of untapped potential when it comes to coming up with new ideas. Here are some tips and techniques to unlock that potential.


This is about a training course on creative thinking and problem solving, specifically for people involved in software development or other technology related industries like animation, game development or electronics and other engineering fields.

Can you improve your creative thinking skills?

Of course you can!  Generating new ideas, creative thinking and problem solving are skills you can improve.

What makes this course different from other creative thinking courses out there?

First, it’s geared towards people in technology and new media related fields (software development, game development, app development for mobile devices and internet).

Second, it concentrates on improving your ability in a specific part of the creative thinking process.  Let’s look at a common process for creative thinking:

1. Try to solve the problem with a variety of methods.

2. If there’s no solution found, then stop, take a break and wait for the answer to come to you.

3. Analyze whatever results you have and go back to step 1 as necessary.

The issue lies in Step 2.  It is always taken for granted that if you take a break, sooner or later the answer will pop into your mind. But this is never really discussed.  It is just assumed that your subconscious will work on it and give you an answer sometime later.  So how do you improve the chances of getting an answer?  Can you train yourself to speed the process?  Can you do something to make the answers better?

Those questions are the ones tackled in this course.  This is about training yourself so that you will have a higher chance of a better quality  answer popping into your mind at a sooner time.

Why did you come up with this course?

I worked for about 20 years in the field of information technology as a software developer in the fields of networking, communications, graphics and animation. I worked in the field of research and development and about 17 years ago I started working in animation and was intrigued by the way artists and animators did their work. Their creative thinking was a natural part of the way they worked. I realized that this way of creative thinking could be adapted and learned by people in the technical fields.

What benefits would we get?

You will be able to use your subconscious mind to help you generate ideas and solve problems with less stress.

Course Outline

The following is the basic course outline.  There are 2 versions – one running 7 hours and the other 4 hours.

  • Introduction
    • Overview of the course
    • What to expect
    • Benefits from this course
  • Learning to relax and lessen stress
    • What is stress
    • Relaxation methods
    • * Practical Exercises *
  • How the brain works
    • The left and right sides of the brain
    • States of consciousness
    • Your conscious and subconscious mind
    • * Practical Exercises *
  • Filters in your mind
    • Internal and external filters
    • Identifying and going over the filters
    • * Practical Exercises *
  • Creative thinking in groups
    • Brainstorming methods
    • Things to avoid
    • * Practical Exercises *
  • Creative thinking by oneself
    • Techniques for using your imagination
    • * Practical Exercises *
  • What Next?
    • Creative thinking and success
    • How to make maximum use of what you learned



For more questions, just let me know.